New plead and new leads
The past two weeks have blown the #Pappygate, bourbon-theft, steroid ring investigation up with a new plead and new leads.
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Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2015
Dusty Adkins’ affidavit includes the alleged sale of bourbon to former Georgetown Police chief Greg Reeves who left office in Feb. 2012 and said Adkins sold him bourbon in the spring of 2012.
And then there’s these financial documents. Something we haven’t seen yet in the case
Two checks Adkins wrote and allegedly gave to Curtsinger as he thought he was selling discounted, mis-proofed bourbon to friends and acquaintances.
Notably, the memo line has what appears to be different handwriting which equates to over $3,000 for softball hitting lessons. Say what? Can you see the almost juvenile handwriting with the big circle dots on the “i”s?
An official at Georgetown College told me Adkins volunteered as an assistance softball coach for a while. So, why would he need lessons from Curtsinger?
Whose signature is in the memo line?
Lex 18 gives me almost a second of credit
Full story at The State Journal here
Last week
Dusty Adkins, one of the original indicted nine suspects, plead guilty to a lesser and will testify as a witness against the remaining witnesses, which include alleged ringleader Toby Curtsinger.
Three big things came out of last week:
1)Adkins plead
2)An investigation document that puts wife Julie Curtsinger allegedly near the scene of steroid buy with her husband. She sat in a restaurant while he allegedly sold steroids to someone.
3)Buffalo Trace Distillery’s Master Distiller who remembers signing bottles of bourbon for Frankfort Police Maj. Rob Richardson, which doesn’t include the bottle of Pappy Van Winkle resigned officer Mike Wells said he kept instead of donating to a tactical officer association fundraiser.
Full story on these developments here

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